© www.pkfotografie.com, Philipp Kirschner

City management

City Management for Leipzig - Functions and Tasks

Retail, gastronomy, hotels, the art and culture scene, residents, owners: they all develop new ideas for Leipzig's city center every day. City management helps to make something of it. We are the contact and interface to the city administration and politics.

We promote exchange and knowledge transfer, also with Leipzig's business street management. We maintain an active network of actors and take over success monitoring.

Inner city development can only be achieved together. This is the only way to create the diversity and multifunctionality that will make Leipzig's inner city even more attractive and sustainable! Do you have a new idea for a project, a concept, or an initial question? Let us get in touch - directly, easily and preferably as quickly as possible!

Robin Spanke
city ​​manager

Questions about the topic? Robin Spanke is happy to help!

© www.leipzig.travel, Ronny Friedrich

Information about the federal program "Sustainable inner cities and centers"

Like other urban areas, our city center and many of our district centers are facing structural problems. Business activities are increasingly being conducted digitally. The effects of the corona pandemic are changing the social behavior of residents and visitors. The needs of modern cities have changed. In the future, short distances, a high quality of stay and a mix of retail and alternative offers for leisure and work will be in demand.

The city of Leipzig sees this change as an opportunity for a new direction. With funding from the federal program "Sustainable inner cities and centers" amounting to 6,1 million euros, twenty-two pioneering urban projects are to revitalize Leipzig by August 2025. The projects will promote civic engagement in the neighborhoods and create creative scope. With every new idea and impulse, Leipzig continues to grow - into a lively, dynamic and sustainable city that is prepared for all problems.

News and updates on the projects

More towards the future.

The updated, expanded center report

More multifunctional and resilient - this is how Leipzig's district centers are to be made fit for the future. What is needed first: a detailed and, above all, up-to-date look at the current situation. Implementation is in the hands of the city planning office. After intensive preparations, a planning office has been working on the project since April 2023. In late autumn the time will come: then a concrete concept should be available.

The best ideas for Leipzig's surroundings.

The urban space concept expanded the inner city

For a growing city like Leipzig, the Promenadenring offers huge opportunities: these large spaces around the city center are to be made healthier, more sustainable and more efficient - more environmentally friendly mobility meets a new quality of life. It is clear that the traffic and civil engineering department has to face real challenges in order to even initiate the planning competition: many people have at least as many interests - it is a marathon, not a sprint. But the work is worth it!

Administrative building? Rethink!

The model citizen's office and the model office space

What should the administrative building of the future be like? Sustainable, close to the people and employee-friendly! Two exemplary pilot areas show how well this can be done with existing buildings. The findings (and the resulting optimizations) flow directly into modernization measures and strategies for future-proof working environments. The next step is a feasibility study for the New Town Hall: New Work and digitalization meet a listed site.

Good for the second round.

The implementation concept of the department store “Second Love”

Where and how exactly? These two key questions are posed by an externally developed implementation concept. In addition to questions about the actual use, it also deals with profitability - and not least with the next concrete steps towards a "second life department store" for Leipzig. In addition to possible locations, workshops and information events dealt with considerations about the range and the retail space to be used. Finding it is currently the biggest challenge - the search for property is still ongoing.

More impulses, more dialogue.

The realignment and expansion of (city) center management

At the beginning of 2023, the new city management was launched within Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH (LTM). Its focus: the core areas of the city center, Georg-Schumann-Straße and the Mockau district center. As a moderator, mediator and source of inspiration, city management is primarily about building bridges: specialist departments, associations, institutions and industry representatives are to be networked even better, and inner-city players receive concrete assistance. We are working closely with the economic development agency on the implementation of the discretionary fund. And city management is also responsible for the important evaluation of frequency analyses and studies.

Strengthening local strengths.

The Georg-Schumann-Straße main road – stabilization of local structures

Leipzig's longest street offers countless opportunities - especially in the cooperation of its residents. In order to strengthen this cooperation, a special information center was created, which is run by the Georg-Schumann-Straße Friends Association: A place for working together, a basis for participation formats, an anchor point for events - and for all people who want to make this main street more livable with energy and commitment. In the longer term, a business street management system is also to be set up.

Targeted improvement.

Mockau – strengthening the local economy

This project in Mockau - a focus of integrated urban development - combines many aspects: By the end of 2023, a company network is to be set up and a management for the local economy established. The aim is to provide support, advice - and develop concrete ideas for the local economy. The tasks also include vacancy management and the necessary public relations work. The core areas of vacancy management and company network are to be in place by the end of 2023. In parallel, the first participation processes and actions are planned by then.

The triple comeback.

Reusable tableware system for takeaway gastronomy in Leipzig

This project, implemented by the German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND), addresses three target groups at once. In the city center, it is mainly franchises and branch companies that serve customers from outside (often tourists). Georg-Schumann-Straße, on the other hand, brings together a wide variety of providers, and the customers mostly come from the neighborhood. Mockau, on the other hand, has very few businesses and restaurants. The public relations work and the approach to the restaurants must therefore be designed appropriately - just like the reusable offers themselves. Information events, surveys of the restaurants and bonuses for good implementation examples help to turn the obligation to offer reusable offers into practical action.

Overview of the projects

The City Fund

Portrait format photo of the Leipzig skyline with New Town Hall, City-Hochhaus and Wintergartenhochhaus taken from the Music Quarter
© www.pkfotografie.com, Philipp Kirschner

What is the City Fund?

Do you have an exciting idea and need our support? The City Fund is another project of the “Sustainable City Centers and Centres” funding programme.

Meeting up, feeling good, experiencing something, eating, shopping and strolling - the city must invite people to do this. But online trading is putting pressure on local retailers and business owners. The effects of the pandemic are visible: public meeting places are visited less often, the shops are empty. The city must think anew. Smart ideas are needed if the city center and centers want to remain attractions for tourists, locals and investors.

Leipzig residents and companies are invited to be creative: pop-up stores, events, or civic engagement - anything is possible. If the projects are approved by an independent jury, there will be support for their implementation from the City Fund.

The fund covers up to 80 percent of the costs of a project. The applicants must contribute the remaining 20 percent as their own contribution. There is around one million euros in the funding pot, and the money can be made available until 2025. If you have any project ideas, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to your ideas and contact via email to r.spanke@ltm-leipzig.de or cityfonds@leipzig.de.

The profile with further information can be found here:

A large crowd stands at the Bach monument in the Thomaskirchhof where an orchestra is playing
© www.pkfotografie.com, Philipp Kirschner

Concerts at the Bach Monument: Discover more!

The most beautiful city center location, the finest selection of music: Since 1979, the concerts at the Bach monument have delighted their regular audience. Every Monday in July and August, the famous St. Thomas Church courtyard becomes an evening stage: for Leipzig and international artists and orchestras. Now the modernized program is also intended to reach a younger tourist and domestic audience.

© Ute Puder

School on the move: This is how education works.

They still go to school. Or have been teaching there for a long time. They study for it, do research on it, are parents or are artistically involved with school education. And they all want a real educational revolution: against old patterns and for new realities. They share the goal of quality education with UNESCO. And with the RealLabor they now have a central point of contact for this new beginning.

© Jacob Schröter

Suebidou: Special for the little ones!

Suebidou is a small and fine specialty store for children's products. Right in the middle of Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, with a clear focus: things that are created with a lot of heart, attention to detail and a sense of the special. Parents, grandparents and anyone who wants to surprise babies, toddlers and children will also find a lot of local and regional products here. Personal advice, a select range and the alternative to fast fashion - that can only do Leipzig's economy good! 

© Larsen Sechert

Street Theater Days: Culture for All!

Three days full of theater, acrobatics, puppetry, improvisation, pantomime, animation, magic, dance and artistry: all in the middle of the city, everything for everyone. The Leipzig Street Theater Days come directly to the people, low-threshold, surprising, full of joy. A great offer - even for those who otherwise have little to do with culture, "just shopping" or strolling through the city on a visit!

© Jacob Schröter

Nicer neighborhood: Le Caphe and Patisserie Hart & Herzlich

The idea: spruce up the outdoor areas of two neighboring restaurants! With stylish, durable seating for everyone. For customers, for nursing mothers, the elderly and people with disabilities - regardless of opening times. Add climate-friendly greenery and sun protection. Voilà, dear Georg-Schumann-Straße, that's how it can be done!

© Jacob Schröter

Moving ideas: TicToys.

TicToys stands for "New Toy Culture" - and there's something to that: For 13 years, the products developed (and produced) locally in Leipzig have been getting children and adults moving. A lot of work and innovation went into the reduced design of the toys made from natural materials. At Christmas time, there will be a pop-up store in the middle of Leipzig!

© Jacob Schröter

Bonjour, quality! 28th French Film Days

Two years of pandemic-related break, then the somewhat hesitant return - now the renowned festival for Francophile cinema fans is starting up again. To attract additional attention, the Passage Kinos are teaming up with the Schaubühne Lindenfels: This is an even better way to reach the French-speaking community!

© Maik Quinque

What's on the Pan: The Pancake Olympics

Enjoy your meal and have at least as much fun: The first Pancake Olympics took place at the Leipzig Market Days 2023. The disciplines? Tossing, turning - and skill. The starting conditions? Everyone works with the same dough and on the same stove (you can bring your own pan). The special feature? Fillings and decorations come from the participants - which, for once, include both amateurs and professionals.

© Elisabeth Hauck

Pop-up store: From here and in the middle.

4 weeks, 1 pop-up store, everything local: In the best city location and in the run-up to Christmas, there are handcrafted items from small factories and workshops. Stylish rental furniture makes you want to go shopping, everything is professional and of a uniform design. For lots of people walking around and buying. And more inner-city variety!

The City Fund enables, among other things,

  • the financing of locally produced rental furniture
  • the promotion of sales fee workers
© Philipp Neumann

MZIN: 1 new location, 10 events.

That's a move: In its new home, the Museum of Fine Arts, there are great opportunities for the (art) bookshop MZIN. For example, through an additional tourist audience with a great interest in local and regional works. 10 events in 5 months revolve around book art, design and pop culture. Attractive, interactive, right in the middle of things.

The City Fund enables, among other things, the financing of

  • Seating
  • seating and exhibition modules
  • Extension options for book presentations
  • floor modules for the event concepts
© Jacob Schröter

Leipzig Future Day: Everyone join in tomorrow!

How do we make the city of the future climate-friendly and livable? We can all do something to get there - now, concretely, in our daily lives, even just by changing our behavior. Leipzig is tackling it: together, as an active urban society. The Leipzig Future Day offers plenty of inspiration for exactly this.

The City Fund enables, among other things,

  • the (partial) financing, e.g. of advance information, workshops and necessary materials for individual actions
© Jacob Schröter

In the shadow of the pentagon: 1-0 for the women.

“In the shadow of the pentagon” shows that female football and fan culture is anything but a replay of men’s football. It features national stories and regional tales from East and West, a lot of yesterday, a lot of today. With the first Leipzig women’s team, BSG Chemie Leipzig, founded in 1969, at the center.

The City Fund enables, among other things,

  • The financing of the exhibition and event program, especially fees, room and technology rental, public relations, workshops, podium discussions and readings.
© Jacob Schröter

The Cockpit Collective: Speaking to History.

"Why did what happen?", "And what would you do today?" The Schaubühne Lindenfels - a renowned theater and cultural center of the independent scene - enables dialogue with historical figures with the "Cockpit Collective". Old telephone booths with modern video telephony serve as a connection to 8 actors. They embody people who, in some cases, still shape Leipzig today. A fascinating connection between yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The City Fund enables, among other things,

  • partly fees for actors and actresses, technicians
  • Costs for technology and transport of technology
  • costs for advertising material
© EHH Photography

Fête de la Musique: Vive la musique!

The Fêtes de la Musique are a French institution - and have long been in Leipzig too. At the beginning of summer, the city becomes a stage, with celebrations, dancing and laughter everywhere. New in 2023: On the "Stage of the Twin Towns" you can experience music from Thessaloniki, Lyon, Kiev, Krakow and Brno - right in the center, right on the Burgplatz, which has been brought back to life. Alors, en danse!

The City Fund enables, among other things, the financing of

  • rent and fees for stage and technology
  • multilingual moderation
  • Public Relations
Graphic for the federal funding of the project "Sustainable inner cities and centers"