© www.pkfotografie.com, Philipp Kirschner

Tourism development 

Our concern

Sustainability is one of the central transformation driver for the next decades. As future and cross-cutting issue It plays a central role in the local tourism strategic development to: not only in ecologically connotated activities, but also in the area of social and economic sustainabilityFor this purpose, the LEIPZIG REGION tourism association and Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH work closely together to sustainability both in the company and in the Destination LEIPZIG REGION to promote. 

We have already published some Offers and products on our website Leipzig also wants to position itself more strongly as a business travel sustainable congress and conference location We also strive to establish a dialogue with local stakeholders: for this purpose, we regularly post current information for our partners. 


News on sustainable tourism development 

View of the Leipzig Opera with park in the foreground.
© leipzig.travel, Tom Thiele

CO2 calculator for cultural institutions has been awarded!

The CO2 calculator "E-Tool Culture" was awarded at this year's "eku Future Prize 2024 for Energy, Climate, Environment".

The web-based emissions calculator is a cooperation project between the cities of Leipzig and Dresden and is the only one nationwide that is specifically tailored to cultural institutions. It can be used by all cultural institutions in Germany, permanently and free of charge, after registration.

Further information
A group photo of all applicants and winners of the ideas competition.
© Thomas Puschmann

Award ceremony: Ideas competition Allerlei to go

Leipzig enjoys sustainably! Under this motto, the highlight of the Allerlei to go ideas competition took place on November 27.11.2024, XNUMX: the award ceremony for the best and most innovative ideas of the submitted projects on the topic of reusable items. The aim of these projects was to establish and/or make visible reusable solutions in the take-away sector. This was organized by BUND Leipzig under the direction of the municipal company Stadtreinigung Leipzig. Winners were honored in two categories: from the "Civil Society" category and the "Companies" category.

More information about the competition
A canoeist on the Karl-Heine-Kanal in Leipzig.
© leipzig.travel, Christian Hüller

Central German Water Forum

Since the 80s, the protection of water and the landscape in and around Leipzig has been a central theme of many environmental efforts. In order to pursue this goal even more intensively, a new milestone has now been reached: the founding of the Central German Water Forum.

On November 14, 2024, almost 60 experts from a wide range of associations came together and discussed various topics based on the overall tourism concept for Central Germany. Regular exchange rounds will follow.

More about the Water Forum
Leipzig exhibitors from the network "Leipzig loves regional products" at the Berlin Gourmet Market.
CC-BY leipzig.travel, Elena Krauße  

Leipzig manufacturers at the Genussmarkt Berlin

Would you like to experience and enjoy regional delicacies from different destinations in Germany in one place? That's exactly what the Country and Gourmet Market in Berlin invited you to do in September 2024.

The LEIPZIG REGION destination took advantage of this great opportunity and was there with four regional manufacturers from the "Leipzig loves regional products" network initiated by the LTM. From tempting coffees from the ELSTERMÜHLE coffee roastery, to sweet and savory spreads from the Kern & Stein Manufaktur, to magnificent handicrafts from the Claudia Biehne porcelain studio and exceptional leather goods from the Rothöll manufactory, the Leipzig region has a lot to offer.

Leipzig at the Genussmarkt

Act sustainably together!

The tourism sector can have a significant impact on the environment, the population of a destination and its economy. Companies should therefore also establish sustainability in their internal processes in order to act in an ecologically, socially and economically responsible manner. State Tourism Association of Saxony e. V. (LTV SACHSEN) an orientation in the form of a Checklist for Sustainable Business Management This checklist is primarily aimed at tourism businesses, such as accommodation providers, restaurants, leisure and cultural facilities, and tourist information centers, and suggests various measures accordingly.

In the current Quality Report 2023 from LTV SACHSEN there is a Overview of the most relevant sustainability labels in tourism and hospitality, which compares the individual certifications in detail. You will find an abridged version of the report below. 

The Tourism Marketing Society Saxony mbH (TMGS) provides the Saxon tourism industry with its Handbook for Sustainability a practical tool is available to provide individual support to Saxon tourism companies in their implementation. Concrete recommendations for action are offered with checklists, calculation examples and good practices. 


© Tom Thiele, Leipzig Convention  
"What we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow."

Marie of Ebner-Eschenbach

Development of a sustainability strategy

for the Leipzig region until 2024

An efficient sustainability strategy should socio-cultural authenticity the destination, you cultural heritage and their traditional values It contributes to intercultural understanding, supports local economic cycles in the long term and favours environmentally friendly, high-quality and innovative tourism products and services in order to sustainable value chain to develop and secure.

The LTM and the Tourism Association LEIPZIG REGION eV pursue the goal of a common understanding of Sustainability for the Tourism Industry as well as for tourist offers in Leipzig and the region, to be developed, communicated and implemented together with local partners and made visible. The first measures were already planned and implemented in 2022. The process for development of a sustainability strategy for the Leipzig Region destination. In this respect, March 2024 a strategy paper that enables the destination to undertake a continuous process. The strategy paper is planned to be available as a brochure to all stakeholders in the LEIPZIG REGION and to interested parties in 2025. 

© www.pkfotografie.com, Philipp Kirschner

catalog of measures

The sustainability strategy’s catalogue of measures includes eight focus topics, in which by 2030 70 measures should be implemented.

  • Transparent Information and Communication

  • Networking of regional companies, regional value creation and economic cycles

  • Attractive working conditions

  • Promoting Cultural Identity and Protecting Cultural Heritage

  • Environmentally friendly mobility

  • Reducing resource consumption and promoting climate protection

  • Leipzig as a sustainable conference and congress location

  • combination and new development of sustainable offers

Sustainability is not a goal, but a path

Sustainability at LTM

Since January 2021 is available at the Leipzig Tourism and Marketing GmbH the position of a sustainability manager and a internal working group with representatives of the individual departments. Since then, Sustainability as a cross-cutting issue strengthened in the company. Internal measures are defined and monitored and advice is always given on sustainability issues. In addition to training measures for the employees, there are regular Participatory activitiesto sensitize the team to sustainability issues, both in their everyday work and in their private lives. 

The areas Communication, Procurement and Resources, Social Responsibility and Mobility were selected as fields of action and analyzed using the three pillars of sustainability (economic, ecological and social). In this way, the first internal goals could be formulated, which have been implemented to date through concrete measures.

Impressions of the sustainability campaigns of the last years

Participants of the first LEIPZIG REGION TOUR.
© Tourism Association LEIPZIG REGION e. V.
In May 2024, the tourism sustainability strategy for the LEIPZIG REGION destination was presented at Felix Leipzig.
© leipzig.travel, Marit Schulz
Photo of participants of the planting campaign "Together for the Forest Championship".

Your contacts on sustainability

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for participation, please contact us!