Despite its proximity to the city centre, Lake Cospuden is part of the Leipzig Neuseenland and borders the city on the east side Markkleeberg and to the south to the town of Zwenkau.
For Leipzig residents, it is easy and convenient to get there by bike. The lake is also easy to reach by car - there are enough parking spaces at the lake and in the immediate vicinity to ensure that you can park your car safely and enjoy your trip to the water. Parking spaces directly on Lake Cospuden are on the north beach of Cospuden, at the Zöbigker harbor (south), at the Zöbigker harbor (Pier 1), on the east beach of Cospuden and at Belantis (Neue Harth).
If you don’t want to use your car, you can also get to the lake by public transport: Bus line 105 (stop Freizeitpark Belantis) takes you to BELANTIS, line 106 (stop Zöbigker, Schmiede) to Zöbigker Hafen and line 65 (stop Cospudener See or Nordstrand) stops at Nordstrand. You can also take the S-Bahn from the city center in the direction of Markkleeberg (stop Markkleeberg, Großstädteln) - but from here it is a good 2 kilometers on foot to the lake.
The sloping bathing jetty at Strandblick, the eastern beach pavilion, allows barrier-free entry into the water. Here, wheelchair users can easily enter the water with their wheelchair and swim from the end of the jetty. On the north beach there is also a wheelchair-accessible changing room and a toilet with a Euro key. Parking is also possible near the barrier-free jetty. You can find more information about the jetty in this video from Disabled Association Leipzig eV