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The Most Magnificent Castles and Palaces in the Leipzig Region

Are you ready for the Leipzig region's most magnificent castles and palaces? The area around Leipzig is famous for having an above-average number of stately homes which are situated in uniquely beautiful natural and river landscapes. Come and explore the most beautiful spots around Leipzig!

Tales of 1001 Years

Some castles are still deeply rooted in the past like Sleeping Beauty. However, others are being used as living space for locals or holiday guests and as hotels, restaurants and even museums where you can find out about the history of Saxony, immerse yourself in the architecture and culture of past centuries and feel the zeitgeist of the time. Exclusive special tours and interactive tours complement the various permanent exhibitions.

We have selected six of the best day trips to castles and palaces in the Leipzig region for you.

Children's Paradise at "Mildenstein Castle"

In Leisnig on steeply sloping rocks overhanging the Freiberger Mulde river loom the massive walls of the nearly 1,000-year-old Mildenstein Castle. The small, sturdy tower called the "Frieder Berg" takes children on a journey back in time at its modern and family-friendly exhibition. At the push of a button, exciting stories are told and castle secrets are betrayed. This is certainly no dusty old museum and you can expect plenty of interactive exhibits to touch and try out. In addition to wall puzzles, royal robes and a wooden model of the castle, there are touch screens and an interactive hidden object game. Furthermore, visitors can see a fully functional medieval kitchen called "black kitchen" because of the smoke from the fire which was installed in 2010.

Please note! The exhibition is currently being redesigned so the archive and chapel are currently closed.

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Saxony's Most Beautiful Knight's Castle

Everyone knows about Saxony's most beautiful knight's castle. Kriebstein Castle is located between Dresden, Chemnitz and Leipzig and is a very popular destination for day trips. You will find the castle enthroned on a steep rock on the banks of the river Zschopau , with its monumental residential tower and the castle chapel with valuable paintings from around 1410. Here, you can see the amazing Kriebsteinzimmer as well as the furnished interior that used to belong to the von Arnim family. Events can also be held here as the castle has a variety of magnificent rooms that can be booked for weddings, family celebrations and corporate functions. Furthermore, coffee and snacks are available at the Sunrise Eismanufaktur from April to October.

A highlight for young explorers is the interactive wild chase, a game that leads the kids on an adventure tour around the medieval building and reveals some of the secrets of the knight's castle.

Please note! Due to staff shortages, the Burgschänke restaurant is closed until further notice. 

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The Baroque Castle in Delitzsch

Delitzsch Castle has a long history. As early as 1389, Margrave Wilhelm I of Meissen had a medieval moated castle built with a tower that still rises above the baroque castle today. In an interim phase beginning in 1535, the castle was redesigned as a Renaissance castle. Various periods of construction work involving extensions and remodelling finally came to an end in 1689 after transforming it into the beautiful baroque castle we can still see today. The exterior architectural style based on the French model and the magnificent interior are beautiful to look at. Furthermore, the castle is one of the oldest in north-western Saxony and has a lovingly landscaped baroque garden.

Today it is a cultural monument with a significance that reaches beyond the local area. In addition it is home to a museum, Delitzsch tourist information office, a registry office and the Schlosskeller. The museum has information on topics such as the history of the town and castle and how life used to be for the dowager duchesses of Saxony-Merseburg in the Delitzsch ladies' castle in the 17th and 18th centuries.

There are also numerous events at the castle including interesting talks, family tours and great concerts. Visitors are particularly welcome to come and listen to the music in the Advent season when the local district music school gives concerts.

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Family Day at Gnandstein Castle

For more than 800 years, the best-preserved Roman fortress in Saxony, Gnandstein Castle, has dominated the village of the same name which belongs to the town of Frohburg. Erected on a rock that can be seen from afar and equipped with an impressive curtain wall, battlements and a striking tower, the fortress appears to be something out of a picture book. Highlights of the fortress are the historical living quarters furnished in styles from baroque to classicist and the late Gothic chapel with three elegant alters from the16th century.

You can conquer this medieval site by taking part in tours of the castle and wide-ranging project days with interactive information points and activity sessions. Especially for the kids, a trip back in time is always a great experience. Gnandstein Castle offers great opportunities for young explorers to take a closer look at these historic walls.

Please note!The 33-metre climb up the castle tower is closed due to construction work. It is expected to reopen for visitors in 2025.

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Tales of Escape at Colditz Castle

When writing about "The Most Splendid Castles and Palaces in the Leipzig Region", Colditz Castle with its white gables must definitely be included. High up on a rock, this landmark is one of the most beautiful 16th-century buildings in Central Germany and thrones over the town of the same name.

The castle was originally built during the Renaissance as a residence and hunting palace for the Saxon princes. Following the spectacular escapes by Allied officers during the Second World War the castle became world-famous. Exhibits showing the resourceful escape attempts which included the use use of hand-made tools can be seen at the "Escape Museum". Audio information points and historical film material captivatingly combine the stories and displays at this modern exhibition. So why not take a look at some more recent history for a change?

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Virtual Reality at Rochlitz Castle

Rochlitz Castle with its two tremendous towers is 1,000 years old and stands on the Zwickauer Mulde river. The thick walls house a chapel with an imposing vaulted ceiling. You can also see a medieval "black kitchen" with a massive stove and a fully functioning chimney. Furthermore, you can look forward to dungeons, a torture chamber and a splendid restored Fürstenhaus as well as everything you need to know about the history of the castle including its emperors, kings and princes.

Last but not least, you can also find out more about the Reformation. Despite facing strong resistance, Duchess Elisabeth von Rochlitz implemented the reforms under her rule. The castle has a fascinating presentation of the role of women during the Reformation.

Our tip: join a tour of the castle and you will have the chance to see the mysterious pictures etched on the walls. Many years ago, these were scratched into the plaster by young princes. In doing so, they created a lasting insight into their lives at the time. Afterwards, you can head to the Hauptmannstube, put on some VR goggles and travel through time to various eras. So come and take a look!

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No matter the season, the magnificent castles and splendid palaces in the Leipzigregion are always worth a visit! Find out more at www.schloesserland-sachsen.de/en/home/ about opening times, events and restrictions before you take a step back in time.

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If you have any more questions, please get in touch with us!

Leipzig Tourismus and Marketing GmbH
Social Media Editor
Tel.: +49 (0)341 7104-340
Email: social.media@ltm-leipzig.de


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