Tour 3: Off to the Wild West - Plagwitz




The west of Leipzig represents a new beginning! Here, historical buildings meet modern architecture, commerce meets art, and life is bursting at the seams. The audience in the Plagwitz district is international, and the tour will cover all culinary styles.

The start is pure culture: the old cotton mill was once a factory site, but is now used for studios and galleries. The tour continues past the vintage car museum, where an event hall has already entertained international guests from the Leipzig Trade Fair. If that doesn't make you want to try Italian or French snacks!

Schaubühne Lindenfels, Felsenkeller, musical comedy, the Westbad – hardly any other area of ​​the city offers more culture along the way. The destination forms a worthy link: the wallpaper factory was also once an industrial site and is now home to artists and gallery owners. On the way there, further variety flatters the stomach and the throat: from spicy soup to spicy hummus to playfully delicious tapas, half the world is served in the west.


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Good to know


  • Culinary

  • experience dinners & restaurants

  • food & gourmet tours

Tour 3: Off to the Wild West - Plagwitz
04179 Leipzig