Price adult: 5,00 €
Price child: 1,00 €
Reduced price: 4,00 €
Groups of 15 or more people: €4,00 per person
Groups School classes pP: 1,00 €
Free admission:
Children up to 5 years,
birthday children,
Owner of schlösserlandKARTE,
Accompanying persons of people with disabilities with the mark >> B <<,
tour guide,
Bus drivers with tour groups,
One accompanying person per 10 pupils or kindergarten children,
holder of the state family pass,
members of ICOM (International Council of Museums),
members of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites)
Museumsbund each with proof
Information on reduced prices: For LEIPZIG REGIO CARD users
Students aged 17 and over,
those doing Federal Voluntary Service/FSJ/FÖJ/voluntary military service,
severely disabled people,
Recipients of unemployment benefit, social assistance or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act,
Refugees with a residence permit or proof of toleration
holders of a social pass,
Members of the Federal Association of German Tourist Guides and the Association of German Art Historians,
Holders of the Saxon Volunteer Card with valid proof