Karl-Heine-Straße in Plagwitz



pedestrian zone
Karl-Heine-Straße, a trendy street in the west of Leipzig, offers not only special shops but also a great selection of restaurants and cultural venues.
Karl-Heine-Straße is the most famous street in the trendy district of Plagwitz. It is home to cultural venues such as the Da Capo, the Schaubühne Lindenfels, the Westwerk and many trendy bars. The Plagwitz district is a 90-hectare monument to industrial architecture that is unparalleled in Germany.

There are now even real Venetian gondolas on the waters, especially on the Karl-Heine Canal, and you can also take your own boat tours at any time. There are numerous cafés and restaurants on the banks of the waterways. From here you can enjoy a wonderful view of the fascinating surroundings.

Good to know

Possible ways to pay

Eintritt frei

Arrival & Parking

Public transport: The nearest stop is Leipzig, Karl-Heine-/Merseburger Str. (line 14). Other stops in the vicinity: Felsenkeller (lines 3, 14, 74).

Car: Karl-Heine-Str. is located in the western part of Leipzig in Plagwitz and can be reached via Käthe-Kollwitz-Str.


Leipzig Tourism and Marketing GmbH
Augustusplatz 9
04109 Leipzig


Leipzig Tourism and Marketing GmbH


Karl-Heine-Straße in Plagwitz
04177 Leipzig - Plagwitz