Seepark Auenhain



Other recreational and health facilities

The Seepark Auenhain, with its 32 holiday homes and 12 holiday apartments, fits idyllically into the landscape directly above Lake Markkleeberg and is therefore only a few kilometers from Leipzig city center. The "Seepferdchen" children's playhouse and an adventure playground ensure that the little guests get the right holiday feeling. The Seeperle restaurant, which serves regional and international Saxon delicacies, and the "Seestern" pool and sauna paradise ensure an "all-round feeling of well-being" for all guests.

12 holiday apartments / 32 holiday homes

Good to know

Opening hours

Price information

Holiday apartment: from 106,50 EUR*
Holiday home: from 148,- EUR*
Breakfast plus 13,90 EUR per person*
*The price indicated is per night and may vary depending on the season, trade fair times, public holidays, etc. You can find out the exact price to be paid at the termion of your choice upon request from the accommodation provider.

General Information

  • Parking lots available

Hygiene and infection control measures

  • Observance of the hygiene instructions

Arrival & Parking

By public transport: From the main station S5 to Markkleeberg. Bus 106 from S-Bahn station (bus), Markkleeberg to Auenhain Seepark, Markkleeberg.
By car: Accessible via the A 38, 9, 14

Social Media


Leipzig Tourism and Marketing GmbH
Augustusplatz 9
04109 Leipzig


Leipzig Tourism and Marketing GmbH
