Geoportal Röcknitz



cultural center
The Geoportal Röcknitz with the exhibition "Supervolcanoes in Saxony" is a visitor center in the National Geopark Porphyrland

The exhibition "Supervolcanoes in Saxony" takes us back 290 million years to the Permian period, a phase of very explosive volcanism. The area of ​​today's Porphyrland Geopark southeast of Leipzig was still close to the equator at that time. Enormous forces from deep within the earth were released in two supervolcano events that constantly changed the landscape over a period of ten million years. Lava flows poured out of volcanic vents and fissures over the region several times, leaving behind the region's stone treasure, around 30 different types of porphyry rock.
The exhibition shows the phases of super eruptions, their triggers and the effects on flora and fauna.
In the park of the historic ensemble is the GeoErlebnisGarten, which is a reminder of the ice ages that passed over Röcknitz several times between 400.000 and 126.000 years ago. The GeoErlebnisGarten and the neighboring volcano playground are open to the public all year round.


More information



Good to know

Opening hours

Opening Monday, Wednesday and Friday, excluding public holidays.
Open three Sundays a month from 14 p.m. to 16 p.m., specific dates are published here:

Please register in advance for exhibition visits outside opening hours - also for individuals, families, small groups.

Arrival & Parking

parking lot at the Geoportal Röcknitz

Public transportation
Bus 671: Zwochau - Röcknitz - Böhlitz - Thallwitz
Bus 675: Falkenhain - Zwochau - Röcknitz - Thallwitz - Nischwitz - Wurzen
Timetable information at


Geopark Porphyryland. Stone Kingdom in Saxony




Geoportal Röcknitz
An der Wasserburg 1-3
04808 Falcon Grove