Schönefeld Memorial Church

Short facts

The most famous wedding ceremony in the Schönefeld church, which took place in 1840, was between Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck.

Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck were married on 12 September 1840 at the Church in Schönefeld. There were two reasons for this wedding to the north of the city walls of Leipzig. On the one hand, Schumann was linked with Karl August Wildenhahn (1805 - 1868) by their musical passion, their shared time at school and their Zwickau roots. On the other hand, Clara's father Friedrich Wieck (1785 - 1873) did not want to give his daughter away at all, especially not to Robert Schumann. The conflict was settled in court. Friedrich Wieck lost the trial.

Clara and Robert looked far and wide for a location for their wedding. The Schönefeld church was heavily damaged in the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig in 1813. It took the community seven years to rebuild, but its simple classicist interior has been largely preserved to this day and, like the memory of that famous wedding, is lovingly maintained by the community.

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Schönefeld Memorial Church
Ossietzkystraße 39
04347 Leipzig

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Phone: +49 0341 / 601408 - 1

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