
Short facts

The Tapetenwerk, an art complex on the site of a former wallpaper factory, has been offering space for creative people in eight factory buildings since 2007.

Where once wallpapers were being produced, today artists and creative people work together. The Tapetenwerk, with its brick façades, manufacturing hall, workshop areas and office buildings, is a typical example of the industrial architecture of the Wilhelminian era. There is still room in the 4,400 square metre area for new ideas and tenants who want to help successively expand the Tapetenwerk - upgrading it and preserving the charm of the historic industrial architecture.

Nearly 20 artists wield the tools of their trade in the old industrial halls. Their work is exhibited in on-site galleries. Furthermore, design and artisan businesses have established themselves. If you don't have your own office, you can rent a spot in the co-working community "Raumschiff" (Space Station) in the Leipzig Tapetenwerk.

Twice a year, the Tapetenwerk also hosts the "Tapetenwerkfest", a festival which offers visitors a peek behind the scenes with new exhibitions, music and culinary specialities. Talk to the designers, photographers and architects in their own studios.

On the map

Lützner Straße 91
04177 Leipzig

On the map:
Phone: +49 341 / 492 823 - 6
Website: www.tapetenwerk.de

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