Trampeli Organ in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gerichshain

Short facts

Around 1850 and 1886, changes were made to the pipe system of the Gerichshain organ.

The founder of the Adorf organ building company is Johann Paul Trampel (1708 - 1764). Like Friderici and Donati, his son Johann Gottlob (1742 - 1812) "italianised" the name Trampel to Trampeli. Together with his brother Christian Wilhelm (1748 - 1803) he built the organ in Gerichshain in 1802/03. Friedrich Wilhelm Trampeli (1790 - 1832), son of Christian Wilhelm, continued his uncle's workshop. In 1832 the workshop started its operations. Unfortunately, around 1850 and 1886 the Gerichshain organ had alterations to the canal system done. The layout depicts the time of origin.

The weather vane on the west tower documents the year of construction 1785. The pulpit altar, which occupies the entire height of the church with its side panelling, dates from the year of construction in 1785. The octagonal sandstone baptism dates back to the second half of the 19th century. The Trampeli organ from 1802/03 is located on the west side of the gallery, which is surrounded by three sides.
Text: Klaus Gernhardt

further reading:
- Ulrich Dähnert, Historische Orgel in Sachsen, VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik
  Leipzig, 1980
- Lexikon norddeutscher Orgelbauer, Band 2, Sachsen und Umgebung,
  Pape Verlag Berlin, 2012
- Georg Dehio, Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler, Sachsen II,
  Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1998

Manualumfang C - d'''                                  Pedalumfang C - c'
 1. Principal 8'   - Diskant                             11. Subbaß 16'
 2. Gedackt 8'                                               12. Principalbaß 8'
 3. Quintadena 8'
 4. Principal 4'
 5. Flauto amabile 4'                                     Pedalkoppel
 6. Qunte 3'
 7. Octave 2'                                                  Calcantenzug
 8. Flageolet 1'
 9. Cornett triple from a°
10. Mixtur quadruple                                           pitch g' 440 Hz

On the map

Trampeli Organ in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gerichshain
Seitenstraße 1
04827 Machern

On the map:
Phone: +49 (0)34292 73396

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