© CC-BY | Tom Williger, www.tomwilliger.de, LEIPZIG REGION

Loop from Leisnig to Buch monastery

Short facts

  • start: Outdoor pool Leisnig
  • destination: Outdoor pool Leisnig
  • medium
  • 13,71 km
  • 3 hours 35 minutes
  • 171 m
  • 233 m
  • 149 m

The circular route, marked as hiking trail NR. 3, leads from Leisnig via the Riedelsteig to Klosterbuch and via Paudritzsch and the forest nature trail back to Leisnig.

The town of Leisnig is particularly attractive due to the 1,000-year-old Mildenstein Castle, which towers loftily above the Freiberg Mulde River and offers an excellent view of the beautiful Mulde Valley. On the north bank of the river, the circular hiking trail No. 3 leads over the Riedelsteig to Buch monastery. There, it is worthwhile to take a tour of the former Cistercian monastery Buch before returning via Paudritzsch. Along the Wallbach, nature lovers can admire plants and trees on the forest nature trail, which are explained by signs. Various bird species, such as woodpeckers and little owls nest in tree hollows and branch holes.

Tour dashboard


  • Street (6%)
  • Asphalt Coating (4%)
  • Hiking Trail (14%)
  • Path (3%)


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