© Philipp Kirschner

In 108 Tagen

8th Expert Forum on Hydrothermal Processes

Auf einen Blick

After two years, it will be time for DBFZ (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum ) to host the next and already the 8th "Expert Forum on Hydrothermal Processes". The forum deals with the entire value chain of hydrothermal conversion, starting with the feedstock, the processes and their technological implementation, up to the products and the associated general conditions, as well as its legal framework. This year’s forum will have a dedicated look at recent developments with a special focus on hydrothermal liquefaction, hydrothermal synthesis of sustainable chemicals, and hydrothermal processes as a thermochemical biomass pretreatment. Furthermore, all ideas and technologies regarding the often discussed but yet to solve challenge regarding the undesired aqueous by-products from hydrothermal processes are highly welcome!

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DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH
Torgauer Straße 116
04347 Leipzig

Webseite: www.dbfz.de

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