© Victor Patrascan

In 64 Tagen

Stand up Comedy in broken English with Victor Patrascan

Auf einen Blick

Laugh with Europe's comedy nomad Victor Patrascan, as he tells hilarious jokes while asking thought-provoking questions on today’s most controversial topics, from race and religion to gender and politics. This show is not for the easily offended! Don’t miss out on Victor’s newest jokes! Victor’s set includes entirely new jokes not heard during his previous appearance in town. Perfect for locals, expats, and immigrants, this show invites everyone to laugh at modern life’s absurdities. Join us for a show where comedy is at its best - insightful, honest, and uproariously funny. 🎭 STAND-UP COMEDY in ENGLISH 🎭 🎟️ online tickets from 15 € / tickets on the door 25 € The show will be held entirely in English Victor Patrascan 🇷🇴 • victorpatrascan.com • @VictorPatrascan Victor Pãtrãşcan is an eccentric stand up comedian and outrageous social commentator from Romania who for the last 4 years has been constantly on tour, traveling the world and telling jokes in broken English.

Weitere Termine


Kabarett-Theater SanftWut
Grimmaische Straße 2-4
04109 Leipzig

Tel.: +493419612346
Webseite: kabarett-theater-sanftwut.de

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